I asked Michelle and Ryan this morning, “What should my year-end email topic be?” She said, “Do a year in review.” So we went into my office and began listing all the accomplishments of 2023 – and frankly, we were shocked! We’ve been so busy that it’s easy to get tunnel vision on each project and lose sight of the bigger picture. When we sat down and listed out the number of people helped, and the products and services we created to address the global need we now address, we were astounded. 

Here is what 2023 brought to those who struggle with substance use issues worldwide:

  • Gave away 1,122 Freedom Model for Addictions and Freedom Model for the Family books
  • Wrote the 1st rough draft of new chapters of the second edition to The Freedom Model for Addictions book
  • Completed The Freedom Model Online Program App – to be released this week on the Google and Apple Stores
  • Added 25 new video lessons to The Freedom Model Online Program
  • Updated and replaced the Deprogramming from the 12 Steps Seminar Series within the Freedom Model Online Program
  • Created the stand-alone Deprogramming from the 12 Steps Course for the public
  • Created the Complete Addiction Solution Program with in-person and virtual private workshops
  • Created the Complete Addiction Solution Program for Families with virtual and in-person private workshops
  • Updated the Freedom Model Coalition Memorandum, resulting in an increase in the membership of the Coalition
  • Created the free, Move Past Addiction Masterclass, and have helped over 1,000 substance users and their families in the last 6 months.
  • Created the Move Past Addiction Masterclass for Employers and their Employees
  • Built the new Freedom Model office complex and studios
  • Offer single and ala carte Coaching session packages alongside the full Freedom Model Coaching Program
  • Recorded 52 new episodes of the worldwide Addiction Solution Podcast, presented by The Freedom Model, and achieved more than 300,000+ downloads 
  • Increased our social media presence over 200% over the previous year
  • And all of this has resulted in our singular mission – we have personally helped thousands across the globe move past their problematic substance use habits, and also helped them move on with their lives more fulfilled and happier! 

If you would like to know more about all of these new programs and services, just go to www.thefreedommodel.org or call us at 888-424-2626. We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you might have. Until then, we send,

Kindest Regards,

Mark Scheeren, Michelle Dunbar & Ryan Schwantes

Co-Creators, The Freedom Model


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