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The Freedom Model for Addictions has received rave reviews (Five-Star Rating on Amazon.com) across the world for it’s bold, yet factual approach to providing a permanent solution to addictions. Click below to see what some of our readers have to say about the book.

A Real Solution For Families
The Freedom Model
The Freedom Model for the Family is an approach for families dealing with a loved one who is struggling from addiction. It was written by the authors of The Freedom Model for Addictions and uses the same principles in a way that families can apply them.
Addiction is not a disease, and it’s definitely not a “family disease”. Treating it like one has led us to the crisis we’re seeing today.
Treatment plays both sides of the fence. It labels addiction a disease, but then advises families to implement “tough love” and cut the substance user off. Can you imagine screaming at your son suffering from cancer that you’re done with him and will no longer support him due to his cancer? Can you imagine oncologists advocating that families cut off their loved one with cancer? No one would ever do that, yet it happens around the country every day regarding “addiction.” It is time for a solution that lets go of the disease mythology while not demanding you abandon your loved one or coerce them into disease-based treatment. There is a better way…
Finally, we now know what addiction is and what it is not, we know why people struggle, and we know how best to help them and their families. There’s a viable solution that has helped thousands of people to put addiction and substance use problems behind them for good. Based on three decades of research and experience helping substance users and their families, The Freedom Model for the Family is nothing short of revolutionary.
A Real Solution To ALL Addictions
The Freedom Model: The Original Non 12 Step Program
The Freedom Model for Addictions text is for anyone seeking an empowering way to move permanently beyond addiction and other self-limiting behaviors without being in perpetual recovery.
You will not find the information contained in The Freedom Model in any other book or program. As a non-treatment model, it exposes the failings of drug treatment and the stifling limitations of a recovery lifestyle. No other approach to addiction contains this level of straight-forward facts and logic.
The Freedom Model explains how we view addiction and recovery, and explains their roles in our society and how they impact our culture and our personal experiences with using substances. We’ve had readers say, “This is what I’ve thought all along! This makes so much more sense than what I learned in drug rehab!”.
It is a wonderful day when someone can finally move past their addictions permanently, and do so with a model that’s substantiated with scientific research.
Know this:
Addiction Treatment Doesn’t Work and
Substance Use is a Habit You Can Change if You’re Provided the Correct Information and Method.
The Freedom Model proves addiction and recovery are cultural constructs that distort the self-motivated choice to use substances. Promoting misinformed cultural concepts along with addiction myths has become big business and has proven to be harmful to those struggling with addiction and to our society as a whole.
After discarding the myths of addiction and substance use, you can freely move forward in ending addiction issues permanently, without any fear or being held hostage to a lifetime of after care or support meetings taught in the 12 Step Model.
The Freedom Model is the most empowering approach ever developed because it celebrates the power you already possess inside but may not recognize.
No More Treatment
Addiction Is Not a Disease
No More Labels
Leave behind damaging labels such as addict and alcoholic forever
The Truth and Freedom You Seek
Proven, scientific-based information and evidence-based results

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