The Freedom Model Blog

Addiction IS NOT a Disease. There is a Solution!

Escape The Treatment and Recovery Trap, and Move On!

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The Freedom Model Coalition

The Freedom Model Coalition

Over the past 34 years, we have received consistent correspondence from the public asking us what they can do to help spread the word about The Freedom Model and the non-12 step, non-treatment-based method it teaches.

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How I Let Go of My Fears and Anxieties

How I Let Go of My Fears and Anxieties

In a hostile environment, you learn to protect yourself; you foresee potential trouble everywhere that might come down the road. This builds a heightened anxiety that grows the more you focus on it.

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What Grips Your Soul? Do That!

What Grips Your Soul? Do That!

Time is the most valuable asset we have to bring to the world – spend it doping something you genuinely care about and love. Because that is after all, what it means to be truly free!

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The Definition of Insanity – Is It a Cliché?

The Definition of Insanity – Is It a Cliché?

We’ve all heard the cliché, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. However, with respect to many things in life, it’s not that cut and dry; there is some nuance that’s worth examining.

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