The Freedom Model
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This free Freedom Model e-book will give you a quick overview of a completely new way of thinking about addiction and substance use. Have you been to treatment, support group meetings and therapy and been told that you’re powerless and wondered how that was going to help you? You’re not alone. The truth is addiction is not a disease and no one is powerless. Download our e-book and learn how to solve your addiction once and for all — and how you can do it happily and easily. Most people stop their addictions and move on with their lives — you can too!

This short e-book will provide you, the parents, caretakers or loved ones of substance users, with factual information that you won’t hear anywhere else. With it, you will begin to see a way to help your loved one get past their problem. We know it’s hard dealing with such a confusing and scary issue. But you are not alone. We will show you how to get the help your loved one needs!. You can get more information about our books and services at And you can reach us at 888-424-2626 or at