Can a Porn Addiction Therapist Actually Help You?

Like so many of my articles in the “addiction” field, what most people think is a straightforward question isn’t actually all that straightforward when looked at from the proper angle. Can a porn addiction therapist actually help you? And if so, what do you look for in the therapy model presented?

Porn Addiction Therapy

Let’s hit this straight on – the current “treatments” and various therapy models in existence for PMO (porn, masturbation, and orgasm) issues aren’t solving the PMO problem; they are adding fuel to the already established inferno. Just like the treatment and recovery industry in the substance use space, we are now seeing the disastrous results of these ineffective and harmful techniques being used as “solutions” for problematic PMO habits. These include skyrocketing mental health issues, young men and women (and middle-aged and seniors) with altered sex lives and harmful self-images, and a burgeoning and greedy PMO treatment industry that is fleecing families and individuals of their finances, their rights, their reputations, and their hope yet is completely ineffective at helping people to solve their problem.

Porn addiction therapy has a wide range of ideas and opinions, coupled with very little actual data or results. The reason for this is simple – porn addiction is a field in its infancy, and even the term itself implies a myth. Here’s the main fact that is missing in the current porn addiction therapy models: no one is actually addicted to porn, as pornography has no actual ability to “addict” someone. Because this fact is so misunderstood, or is completely missing in the typical porn therapy session, the various therapies that bubble out of this kind of porn addiction mythology provide little in the way of actual solutions. Instead, people tend to feel more broken, shameful, trapped, and depressed as a result of their sessions.

Solutions that Work

There are those therapists who are cognitive behaviorally based, and then there is The Freedom Model Coaching Model. Historically, CBT and the FM have had the most success in helping their students move past their PMO habits permanently, and without shaming, pain, or feeling deprived.

It’s also important to know that The Freedom Model Solution is based on accurate, well-researched information and common sense; it’s affordable, effective, logical, and puts all the backwards biochemically-centered arguments about PMO and its causes right where they belong – in the scrap heap. You don’t have to keep struggling with a marginalized sexual life. Know that you can end your PMO issues for good and build a life of healthy and vibrant sexual habits through The Solution to PMO and Sex Addiction Workshop and Coaching packages.

If you are ready to get help for your PMO habit, contact us here at The Freedom Model at 888-424-2626 or click here.

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